Little known to the general public, Ben Stassen is nevertheless the Belgian director whose animated films have had the most success at home and abroad (Sammy’s extraordinary journey, Robinson Crusoe, Bigfoot Junior, Royal Corgi…). But it was at his cousin’s suggestion that he embarked on the winemaking adventure in the heart of the Herve region in Aubel on a southern slope with a gradient of between 15 and 25%. A winery was built on the site and opened in march 2023, but as the vineyard is not yet in production, the tanks are currently occupied by the wines of another vineyard…
- Surface: 4ha
- Varieties: Chardonnay B, Auxerrois B, Sauvignon B, Pinot noir N, Pinot Meunier N, Nebbiolo
- Production: from now on, it will be possible to taste Belgian wines in the tasting room (More information is on the website)
Ben Stassen, Charles Piron
Bois de Loë SRL
Bois de Loë 57, 4880, Aubel